Doutoramento Interuniversitario en Estudos Literarios
Universidade de Vigo
Raquel Jabares Fernández (UDC)
Dissertation title:
The Works of Estêvão da Guarda in their Historical and Literary Context. Critical Edition of his Chansonnier
Name of the advisor:
Gema Vallín Blanco
Line of research:
Literatura en lengua española y literatura comparada
This dissertation focuses on Estêvão da Guarda. We consider this troubadour of utmost importance in the court of Denis of Portugal due to his vast corpus (over 35 cantigas) and his life experience as royal scribe in the court of that king. His life and his work as royal counsellor in an age of such cultural flourishing makes Estêvão da Guarda a very interesting figure. That historical context will also be a research subject in our dissertation.
Estêvão da Guarda, chansonnier, cantiga de escarnio, medieval poetry, court Denis of Portugal, Count of Barcelos