Doutoramento Interuniversitario en Estudos Literarios
Universidade de Vigo
José Luis Méndez Romeu (UDC)
Dissertation title:
Valle Inclán at the Opera: Intersemiotic Translation Problems
Name of the advisor:
José María Paz Gago
Line of research:
Literatura en lengua española y literatura comparada
Both the novels and plays of Valle-Inclán have been adapted to other languages (cinema, television, songs, opera) in several occasions.
This research aims at reviewing an aspect not looked at before in the studies on Valle-Inclán, that is, the adaptation of his work to the language of opera. At the present time, it can be highlighted that opera-related works have been written in at least five countries and three different languages, and they have not been the focus of academic research. There are even doubts regarding the existence of some of them, frequently quoted in reference works. This dissertation will focus on that problem in order to establish a definitive corpus.