Leonel Joaquín García Laborde (UVIGO)Dissertation title:
Performing Arts in the Works of Eugenio Fernández GranellName of the advisor:
Carmen Luna Sellés e Carmen Becerra SuárezLine of research:
Literatura en lengua española y literatura comparadaAbstract:
This dissertation focuses mainly on the influence of theatre on the works of Galician artist Eugenio Fernández Granell. It also uses his example to show that multidisciplinarity enriches artistic work. To that end, it analyses the elements in Granell’s works that show the importance he confers to dramatic art. It interprets the codes common to his works and to the works of other playwrights with a review of the pieces of work in which we can find such phenomenon. It highlights his contribution to theatre.Program:
The methodology used is dependent on the subject of study. Its focus, based on the rhetoric of inter-artistic relations, which are in turn based on the thematic approach, is built on several stages: the selection of his paintings that could be somewhat related to playwright’s works. Data collection by means of documentary sources. Checking the records of Fundación Granell. Assessment of critic reviews of his works.
As supporting methodology, we will use the methods employed by thematology and comparatism.
We will also take into account the three basic vectors mentioned by Antonio Monegal: From nature to art. From one art to another. From one artistic theory to another.
Theatre. Granell. Inter-artistic. Dramatic art. Painter. Playwright.Translation:
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