José Manuel Breijo Vidal (UVIGO)Dissertation title:
Object Theatre in Galicia from 1970 to 2010: Study of the Process of Emergence and Development of a Performing Genre in the Galician Theatre SystemName of the advisor:
Carmen Becerra Suárez e Manuel Francisco Vieites GarcíaLine of research:
Literatura en lengua española y literatura comparadaAbstract:
The use of puppets and other objects as meaningful elements, in most cases as substitutes of actors and actresses, is present in most cultures. In Western theatre tradition, the puppets and other animated objects belong to the cultural heritage of all European countries. In Galicia, Don Ramón María del Valle-Inclán makes “Don Estrafalario” utter a reference to the puppet shows that took place in the “fairs of Santiago el Verde, in the Portuguese ria”. There we have a literary reference to a theatrical tradition.Program:
A movement called “object” theatre appears in the late 70s and evolves to acquire considerable diversity and richness.
It is a scarcely studied field, therefore the goals of this research are: (1) to create a genealogical record of object theatre in Galicia, (2) to analyse the development of object theatre in Galicia from 1970 to 2010, (3) to analyse and systematise the history of the object theatre companies in the specified period, (4) to define the different types of puppets, marionettes and objects, the construction and handling techniques companies use, (5) to analyse the edited repertoires of the companies from a stage and a literary dimension.
Object theatre, puppets, marionettes, GaliciaTranslation:
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